a confidence in the round
(click the photo to listen to the first episode, kinda like a speakeasy)
On December 28, 2010, Phylicia Simone Barnes disappeared from an apartment at the edge of Baltimore City. Her body was found about 4 months later, over 50 miles from Baltimore in the Conowingo Dam. I was detailed for 10 months investigating and prepping it for trial. I cared very much about Phylicia's case, and I care very much about this project. We all can learn from it.
We have dedicated a part of this site to the podcast. If you click the main menu, it's under "The Podcast".
If you care to read more, you can stream the first episode above, and also on instagram or YouTube. all 10 episodes will be released on 4/20/2023.
We have treated the podcast like a film in that it is scored with music by the brilliant Alex Somers, with exit music by Beach House. both artists are from Baltimore.
if you've read this far, thanks! please join our mailing list on the main podcast page for future updates!